“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the same image from GLORY TO GLORY, just as by the Spirit of the LORD.”
- 2 Corinthians 3:18 -
We continue to marvel at and praise God for the amazing ways (JESUS IS THE WAY!!!) He worked in us and for us during this summer’s B.I.B.L.E. Camp. And now He has put a new thing in our hearts and we are excited to share the news! We are planning a CHRISTmas Camp – and we wanted to send this invitation to you! This is something you’ll need to speak to your parents about first, so please share this letter with them right away.
Although CHRISTmas Camp will be a shortened camp program, it will still have the same vision as our regular summer camps: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
God was so good in meeting each of us in special and personal ways during B.I.B.L.E. Camp 2022, and we continue to rejoice as we reflect on the few days we all spent together in the woods in early August. As we rejoice, we also are looking toward the next thing God will do. This is how we continue to know Him – by looking for new ways to see the hand of God working in our lives, from glory to glory.
We are already talking about B.I.B.L.E. Camp 2023, but we don’t want to wait that long to be together again and see what new ways God will reveal Himself to us. So we are planning a two-day sleepover camp just before Christmas, and we really hope that you can join us. The season is usually a very busy time, but God has worked in our hearts and we are convinced that this is a place where He has chosen to come (much like He did when Jesus was born!). It’s our great joy to make room for Jesus to work in our hearts, and our prayer is that you, too, will choose to receive this greatest gift of Christmas. What better way to celebrate the season than to see God’s glory and greatness, and to hear Him speak to us (see Deuteronomy 5:24)?
The greatest gift of Christmas is given only to those who will receive it. Will you receive it? Will you make room for Jesus to do something special in your heart this Christmas? We really want to see you at CHRISTmas Camp!
Here are the details:
What: CHRISTmas Camp
When: 3 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22 – 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 24
Where: Jesus Is Life Ministry, Franklin, PA
Cost: We believe that God is going to provide everything we need for CHRISTmas Camp, and we rejoice in being able to see Him do it. We are not requiring a registration fee for this camp but we ask that you would bring an offering and come to worship the LORD in the beauty of His holiness.
We would like to know in advance that you plan to participate, so please ask your parents to register using the form below:
If you need more information, please contact us by phone at (304) 360-7121 or (814) 432-7499.
Very Sincerely,
Your Friends at Jesus Is Life Ministry/B.I.B.L.E. Camp
Although CHRISTmas Camp will be a shortened camp program, it will still have the same vision as our regular summer camps: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
God was so good in meeting each of us in special and personal ways during B.I.B.L.E. Camp 2022, and we continue to rejoice as we reflect on the few days we all spent together in the woods in early August. As we rejoice, we also are looking toward the next thing God will do. This is how we continue to know Him – by looking for new ways to see the hand of God working in our lives, from glory to glory.
We are already talking about B.I.B.L.E. Camp 2023, but we don’t want to wait that long to be together again and see what new ways God will reveal Himself to us. So we are planning a two-day sleepover camp just before Christmas, and we really hope that you can join us. The season is usually a very busy time, but God has worked in our hearts and we are convinced that this is a place where He has chosen to come (much like He did when Jesus was born!). It’s our great joy to make room for Jesus to work in our hearts, and our prayer is that you, too, will choose to receive this greatest gift of Christmas. What better way to celebrate the season than to see God’s glory and greatness, and to hear Him speak to us (see Deuteronomy 5:24)?
The greatest gift of Christmas is given only to those who will receive it. Will you receive it? Will you make room for Jesus to do something special in your heart this Christmas? We really want to see you at CHRISTmas Camp!
Here are the details:
What: CHRISTmas Camp
When: 3 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22 – 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 24
Where: Jesus Is Life Ministry, Franklin, PA
Cost: We believe that God is going to provide everything we need for CHRISTmas Camp, and we rejoice in being able to see Him do it. We are not requiring a registration fee for this camp but we ask that you would bring an offering and come to worship the LORD in the beauty of His holiness.
We would like to know in advance that you plan to participate, so please ask your parents to register using the form below:
If you need more information, please contact us by phone at (304) 360-7121 or (814) 432-7499.
Very Sincerely,
Your Friends at Jesus Is Life Ministry/B.I.B.L.E. Camp
“Give to the LORD the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness!”
- 1 Chronicles 16:29 -